Tcp Optimise Recieve Windows Auto Tuning Level

TCP Optimizer 4 (latest stable release that works with Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 2012 Server, etc.). Details: The TCP Optimizer is a free, easy Windows program that provides an intuitive interface for tuning and optimizing your Internet connection. The symptoms exist due to the new re-written TCP stack introduced since Windows Vista that aims to take full advantage of hardware advances such as gigabit networking. Among the new feature in Windows TCP/IP is Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level for TCP connections.


Applies To: Windows Server 2012

This topic contains the following sections.

Determining the correct tuning settings for your network adapter depend on the following variables:

  • The network adapter and its feature set

  • The type of workload performed by the server

  • The server hardware and software resources

  • Your performance goals for the server

If your network adapter provides tuning options, you can optimize network throughput and resource usage to achieve optimum throughput based on the parameters described above.

The following sections describe some of your performance tuning options.

Enabling Offload Features

Turning on network adapter offload features is usually beneficial. Sometimes, however, the network adapter is not powerful enough to handle the offload capabilities with high throughput. For example, enabling segmentation offload can reduce the maximum sustainable throughput on some network adapters because of limited hardware resources. However, if the reduced throughput is not expected to be a limitation, you should enable offload capabilities, even for this type of network adapter.


Some network adapters require offload features to be independently enabled for send and receive paths.

Enabling Receive Side Scaling (RSS) for Web Servers

RSS can improve web scalability and performance when there are fewer network adapters than logical processors on the server. When all the web traffic is going through the RSS-capable network adapters, incoming web requests from different connections can be simultaneously processed across different CPUs.

Tcp ip optimizer windows 10

It is important to note that due to the logic in RSS and Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for load distribution, performance might be severely degraded if a non-RSS-capable network adapter accepts web traffic on a server that has one or more RSS-capable network adapters. In this circumstance, you should use RSS-capable network adapters or disable RSS on the network adapter properties Advanced Properties tab. To determine whether a network adapter is RSS-capable, you can view the RSS information on the network adapter properties Advanced Properties tab.

RSS Profiles and RSS Queues

RSS predefined profiles are new in Windows Server 2012.

The default profile is NUMA Static, which changes the default behavior from previous versions of the operating system. To get started with RSS Profiles, you can review the available profiles to understand when they are beneficial and how they apply to your network environment and hardware.

For example, if you open Task Manager and review the logical processors on your server, and they seem to be underutilized for receive traffic, you can try increasing the number of RSS queues from the default of 2 to the maximum that is supported by your network adapter. Your network adapter might have options to change the number of RSS queues as part of the driver.

Increasing Network Adapter Resources

For network adapters that allow manual configuration of resources, such as receive and send buffers, you should increase the allocated resources. Some network adapters set their receive buffers low to conserve allocated memory from the host. The low value results in dropped packets and decreased performance. Therefore, for receive-intensive scenarios, we recommend that you increase the receive buffer value to the maximum.


If a network adapter does not expose manual resource configuration, it either dynamically configures the resources, or the resources are set to a fixed value that cannot be changed.

Enabling Interrupt Moderation

To control interrupt moderation, some network adapters expose different interrupt moderation levels, buffer coalescing parameters (sometimes separately for send and receive buffers), or both.

You should consider interrupt moderation for CPU-bound workloads, and consider the trade-off between the host CPU savings and latency versus the increased host CPU savings because of more interrupts and less latency. If the network adapter does not perform interrupt moderation, but it does expose buffer coalescing, increasing the number of coalesced buffers allows more buffers per send or receive, which improves performance.

Performance Tuning for Low Latency Packet Processing

Many network adapters provide options to optimize operating system-induced latency. Latency is the elapsed time between the network driver processing an incoming packet and the network driver sending the packet back. This time is usually measured in microseconds. For comparison, the transmission time for packet transmissions over long distances is usually measured in milliseconds (an order of magnitude larger). This tuning will not reduce the time a packet spends in transit.

Following are some performance tuning suggestions for microsecond-sensitive networks.

  • Set the computer BIOS to High Performance, with C-states disabled. However, note that this is system and BIOS dependent, and some systems will provide higher performance if the operating system controls power management. You can check and adjust your power management settings from Control Panel or by using the powercfg command. For more information, see Powercfg Command-Line Options

  • Set the operating system power management profile to High Performance System. Note that this will not work properly if the system BIOS has been set to disable operating system control of power management.

  • Enable Static Offloads, for example, UDP Checksums, TCP Checksums, and Send Large Offload (LSO).

  • Enable RSS if the traffic is multi-streamed, such as high-volume multicast receive.

  • Disable the Interrupt Moderation setting for network card drivers that require the lowest possible latency. Remember, this can use more CPU time and it represents a tradeoff.

  • Handle network adapter interrupts and DPCs on a core processor that shares CPU cache with the core that is being used by the program (user thread) that is handling the packet. CPU affinity tuning can be used to direct a process to certain logical processors in conjunction with RSS configuration to accomplish this. Using the same core for the interrupt, DPC, and user mode thread exhibits worse performance as load increases because the ISR, DPC, and thread contend for the use of the core.

System Management Interrupts

Many hardware systems use System Management Interrupts (SMI) for a variety of maintenance functions, including reporting of error correction code (ECC) memory errors, legacy USB compatibility, fan control, and BIOS controlled power management. The SMI is the highest priority interrupt on the system and places the CPU in a management mode, which preempts all other activity while it runs an interrupt service routine, typically contained in BIOS.

Unfortunately, this can result in latency spikes of 100 microseconds or more. If you need to achieve the lowest latency, you should request a BIOS version from your hardware provider that reduces SMIs to the lowest degree possible. These are frequently referred to as “low latency BIOS” or “SMI free BIOS.” In some cases, it is not possible for a hardware platform to eliminate SMI activity altogether because it is used to control essential functions (for example, cooling fans).


The operating system can exert no control over SMIs because the logical processor is running in a special maintenance mode, which prevents operating system intervention.

Performance Tuning TCP

You can performance tune TCP using the following items.

Details are provided in the following sections.

TCP Receive Window Auto-Tuning

Prior to Windows Server 2008, the network stack used a fixed-size receive-side window that limited the overall potential throughput for connections. One of the most significant changes to the TCP stack is TCP receive window auto-tuning. You can calculate the total throughput of a single connection when you use this fixed size default as:

Total achievable throughput in bytes = TCP window * (1 / connection latency)

For example, the total achievable throughput is only 51 Mbps on a 1 GB connection with 10 ms latency – which is a reasonable value for a large corporate network infrastructure.

With auto-tuning, however, the receive-side window is adjustable, and it can grow to meet the demands of the sender. It is entirely possible for a connection to achieve the full line rate of a 1 GB connection. Network usage scenarios that might have been limited in the past by the total achievable throughput of TCP connections can now fully use the network.

Windows Filtering Platform

The Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) that was introduced in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 provides APIs to non-Microsoft independent software vendors (ISVs) to create packet processing filters. Examples include firewall and antivirus software.

Tcp Optimizer Receive Windows Auto Tuning Level Windows 10


A poorly written WFP filter can significantly decrease a server’s networking performance.

Windows 10 Tcp Auto Tuning

For more information, see Windows Filtering Platform in the Windows Dev Center.

TCP Parameters

The following registry keywords from Windows Server 2003 are no longer supported, and they are ignored in Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2008 R2, and Windows Server 2008.

  • TcpWindowSize

  • NumTcbTablePartitions

  • MaxHashTableSize

SG TCP Optimizer

TCP Optimizer 4 (latest stable release that works with Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 2012 Server, etc.)

Details: The TCP Optimizer is a free, easy Windows program that provides an intuitive interface for tuning and optimizing your Internet connection. There is no installation required, just download and run as administrator.

The program can aid both the novice and the advanced user in tweaking related TCP/IP parameters in Windows, making it easy to tune your system to the type of Internet connection used. The tool uses advanced algorithms, and the bandwidth*delay product to find the best TCP Window for your specific connection speed. It provides for easy tuning of all related TCP/IP parameters, such as MTU, RWIN, and even advanced ones like QoS and ToS/Diffserv prioritization. The program works with all current versions of Windows, and includes additional tools, such as testing average latency over multiple hosts, and finding the largest possible packet size (MTU).

The TCP Optimizer is targeted towards broadband internet connections, however it can be helpful with tuning any internet connection type, from dialup to Gigabit+ :) It is completely free, requires no installation, and has been downloaded over 9 Million times.

If you need help with the program, check the TCP Optimizer documentation, read our broadband tweaking articles, the Optimizer FAQ, and/or visit our Forums. The program can be freely (re)distributed, as long as you give us proper credit as the author, and it is not sold for profit.

TCP Optimizer Download Mirrors: (newest version, recommended)
CHIP Online (German) version 4,
GIGA Software (German)

OS: Windows 9x/ME/2K/XP/XP-SP2/2k3/Vista/7/2008/8/8.1/10/2012 Server | version: 4.1.0 | date: 2019/02/22 | file size: 668 KB

Legacy Versions:
TCP Optimizer v. 3.08 (deprecated, supports versions up to Windows 7/2008 Server, does not support Windows 8/10/2012)
TCP Optimizer v. 2.03 (deprecated, unsupported, released 01/06/2006, supports versions up to Windows XP)
TCP Optimizer v. 1.00 (deprecated, unsupported)

The TCP Optimizer software is completely free to use and distribute. We do not actively seek donations, however, we can accept and appreciate them. All donations will be used towards software/site development and server/colocation costs. You can donate via Paypal at , or Bitcoin at 15m4hb1fqqRh7js92qaYDQJP2YHF6jpQFS

SG Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 Misc Downloads

SG Vista TCP/IP Patch - NOT required if using the TCP Optimizer
Description: The SG Vista TCP/IP patch us a quick way to optimize Vista TCP/IP settings for broadband internet connections. It sets both netsh auto tunning levels and modifies the Windows Registry as recommended by our Vista Tweaks article. It is recommended to run the patch when logged in with administrative priviledges. The patch allows for reverting all settings to their respective Windows default values as well. Note you may have to right-click the link above and choose 'Save Target As...' to save to your computer. To apply, save to your desktop and run as administrator (right-click -> run as administrator). Type Y when prompted to optimize parameters.
OS: Windows Vista 32/64, Server 2008 | version: 1.5 | date: 01/24/2010 | filesize: 4.86KB

ReadyDriver Plus v 1.2
Description: The ReadyDriver Plus software allows for using unsigned drivers with Vista x64. This version works on both Vista x86 and x64 platforms. The developer, Uhlik, and are not responsible in whole or in part for any problems that may incur from using ReadyDriver Plus. This software is also available for download directly from Uhlik, as well as Citadel Industries.
OS: Windows Vista 32/64 | version: 1.2 | date: 12/01/2009 | filesize: 518KB
Description: This registry patch changes the limit of half-open TCP connections to 500 (from the default 2-25). Note that this should only be needed pre-Service Pack 2, and a patched tcpip.sys version is necessary to utilize this tweak, as outlined in our Vista tcpip.sys connection limit article.
OS: Windows Vista 32-bit/64-bit | version: 1.0 | date: 07/08/2008 | filesize: 1KB

Older Windows 9x Registry Patches

Tcp Optimise Receive Windows Auto Tuning Levels

We've added the optimal Registry settings for Cable Modems, DSL or any similar broadband Internet connection to the Registry patches below. Note that if you're using the TCP Optimizer program, there is no need to apply any of those registry patches, as they modify the same parameters. You should really experiment with different settings and add them manually or using our TCP Optimizer program above rather than applying generic patches, however we've added them for simplicity, ease of installation and the many requests. Please make sure you download the patch for your version of Windows, they are slightly different. If you'd rather try editing the Registry yourself, check the Registry Tweaks section of the site, or use our TCP Optimizer program.
Note: All patches are compressed and downloadable in 'zip' format. You might need an utility, such as WinZip or WinRAR to uncompress the downloaded files before installation.

Tcp Windows Auto Tuning
Description: Generic Registry patch for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME (includes a fix for 98SE ICS, as well as corrected SackOpts location). This is an updated version of our original regstry patch, it's an .inf file that tweaks the Registry and adds all the optimum settings for Cable modem, DSL, or any similar broadband connection. To install, extract the file first, then just right-click (on the .inf filename) and choose 'Install' from the Pull-down menu. You need to reboot for changes to take effect.
OS: Windows 9x/ME | version: 1.0 | date: 11/23/00 | filesize: 1KB
Description: Generic Registry patch for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME and DSL connection using PPPoE. (includes a fix for 98SE ICS, as well as smaller MaxMTU, corrected for PPPoE) This is an updated version of our original regstry patch, it's an .inf file that tweaks the Registry and adds all the optimum settings for Internet connecions using PPPoE. To install, extract the file first, then just right-click (on the .inf filename) and choose 'Install' from the Pull-down menu. You need to reboot for changes to take effect. The PPPoE patch generally applies only to some xDSL connecions, it is not for use with Cable modems. For additional info on PPPoE check out our Terms & Definitions page.
OS: Windows 9x/ME | version: 1.0 | date: 11/23/00 | filesize: 1 KB

Tcp Optimise Receive Windows Auto Tuning Level 5
Description: A patch that returns all TCP/IP related Registry entries to the Windows default state. You can use it with Windows 9x/ME. To install, extract the file first, then right-click (on the .inf filename) and choose 'Install' from the Pull-down menu. You need to reboot for changes to take effect. If you don't like the changes all the other patches make, or in case they have negative effect on your throughput, either restore the Windows registry to it's previous state, or use this patch to return to the default Windows TCP/IP entries.
OS: Windows 9x/ME | version: 1.0 | date: 11/23/00 | filesize: 1 KB
Description: Generic patch for Windows XP and Windows 2000 (all versions). This patch will optimize your TCP/IP Registry settings for high speed Internet connections. To install, extract the .inf file first, then double-click (or right-click on filename and choose install from the pull-down menu) and reboot for changes to take effect.
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2k3 | version: 1.0 | date: 12/18/01 | filesize: 1 KB
Description: Generic patch for Windows XP/2000 and DSL connections using PPPoE. This patch will optimize your TCP/IP Registry settings for high speed Internet connections. It is specifically designed for PPPoE DSL connections. To install, extract the .inf file first, then double-click (or right-click on filename and choose install from the pull-down menu) and reboot for changes to take effect.
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2k3 | version: 1.0 | date: 12/18/01 | filesize: 1 KB
Description: Patch that reverts the Windows XP / 2000 Registry to its default state regarding TCP/IP, deleting all tweaks. To install, extract the .inf file first, then double-click (or right-click on filename and choose install from the pull-down menu) and reboot for changes to take effect.
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2k3 | version: 1.0 | date: 12/18/01 | filesize: 1 KB
Description: Patch Windows 2k/XP not to cache failed DNS entries. By default, when a DNS lookup fails (due to temporary DNS problems), Windows still caches the unsuccessful DNS query, and in turn fails to connect to a host regardless of the fact that the DNS server might be able to handle your lookup seconds later. This patch fixes the problem by configuring the DNS client to continue sending queries to an unresponsive network. To install, save to your HD, unzip the .reg file, then double-click the filename.
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2k3 | version: 1.0 | date: 05/14/01 | filesize: 0.5 KB
Description: Patch to reverse all changes made by winxp_dnscache.reg. To install, save to your HD, unzip the .inf file, then right-click on the filename and choose 'install' from the pull-down menu. Note: don't open the file, just right-click on the .inf filename and choose 'install'.
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2k3 | version: 1.0 | date: 05/14/01 | filesize: 2 KB

Tcp Window Auto Tuning Gaming

Web Patches - faster loading of Web Pages

The following patch increases Web page loading speed, by doubling the number of possible concurrent open connections. For example, imagine a web page has 20 images and some text - in order for your browser to get all these files, it opens 2 or 4 concurrent connections, depending on the Web server. Increasing the number of open connections allows for faster retrieving of the data. Please note that the patch sets some values outside of the HTML specs. If you decide to install it, backup your Registry first. Changes will take effect after you reboot. Download the patch appropriate for your OS:
Description: SpeedGuide Web Patch for Windows 95/98/98SE/ME
OS: Windows 9x/ME | version: 1.0 | date: 12/18/01 | filesize: 1 KB
Description: SpeedGuide Web Patch for Windows 2000/XP
OS: Windows 2K/XP/2k3 | version: 1.0 | date: 12/18/01 | filesize: 1.5 KB

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