Dev C++ Sample Project

The create and update sample code demonstrates how to create and update a project using CSOM and .Net

May 26, 2010 Learn to create your first C program using Dev-C.

###PrerequisitesTo use this Project Online ReST code sample, you need the following:

  • An Office 365 tenant with a Project license
  • The SharePoint client runtime and Project .Net libraries. It is available as a Nuget Package from here
  • Visual Studio or other .Net IDE


##How the sample affects your tenant dataThis sample runs CSOM methods that create, read, update, or delete data. When running commands that delete or edit data, the sample creates sample data. The sample data is created or edited so that your actual tenant data is unaffected.


Additional resources

  • [Client-side object model (CSOM) for Project 2013] (
  • [SharePoint and Project Online SDK] (


Copyright (c) 2016 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Most common quiestion is:

Is there any C++ GUI API?

My answer is MANY.

There are many API's for making GUI applications.
Here are some.

1. WinAPI: (C based)(MFC is C++ based)
Its a great API and the best solution if you are windows programmer. First code will look a bit difficult, but later (after making few apps.) you will see its not so rusty. I like it, because you can do almost everything with it (in windows). The only bad thing is, that you cannot make applications for Linux with it.
2. Qt4 / Qt3 (C++ based)
This is a nice API, for making GUI applications. It works under Linux, Windows and Mac OS X. Its really easy to learn and use. But, until you dont buy licenced version, you will need to add tons of -dll s, to run your application. Qt compiler doesnt work in Vista. And, Qt4 API has a bit complicated way, to get buttons to work, if button holds some more complicated operations(actually you have to make your own SLOT's).
3.GTK+ (C based)
Sorry, but I never tryed it, so Google might help you.

Dev C++ Sample Project

Some examples:

Simple message box:

Simple window:

Simple Message Box:

Dev C++ Pdf

Note: Use MsgBox for making message boxes

Simple Window:


Simple window:

I hope this post will help anyone!

  • 3 Contributors
  • forum 3 Replies
  • 9 Years Discussion Span
  • commentLatest Postby sreenivasulaLatest Post


I also think newbies dont know for C++ IDE's. (Developing Enviroviment).

I will make a short description of some

1. Visual Studio 2005 (Visual C++)
This is a beautiful IDE for making console and win32 GUI applications. You can also compile DirectX10 or 9 projects as well. I didn't test it for compiling Qt or GTK+ applications yet.
Affcourse as a Microsoft product isn't free, but it seems to be really safe and stable IDE for Windows Applications.
I really like it, and I recommend it to everyone.

More info '>HERE

2. Code::Blocks
Great for compiling WinAPI, Qt, GTK+, WXWidgets, Ogre, D, C++ console, C console and other projects. I found some bugs, and sometimes there are problems to compile.
It's one of the best FREE IDE's.

Information and download '>HERE

3. Dev-C++
This IDE, written in Delphi is the right place for beginners. It isn't perfect and it allows you 'holes' and 'bugs' in your program.Thats why its good for beginners. VS2005 wouldnt compile most of the code, which Dev-C++ does.

Information and Download '>HERE

-Anjuta IDE

Dev C++ Sample

Ah, and dont take care about all off my opinions. I prefer VS2005, but If you dont have a money, than choose Code::Blocks or Dev-C++.

I hope moderators will make this topic sticky (read me)

Turbo C++ Sample Programs

I hope this helps

Dev C++ Sample Projects

BTW: Sorry for my grammatic mistakes.